Yeah I know I have had a hell of a time keeping this thing updated but I swear I am alive.

So latest news? A new picture on A missing poster for Teddy! You remember Teddy right? He is the boyfriend to Jamie from the tie ins. While Jamie was only in the movie all of 30 seconds she and Teddy (first time pictured) played a huge part in the pre viral marketing. On the back of the poster is this

a symbol that is also on the main page and the contest page of the Slusho! website as of like a week ago. The only difference is the one is reverse from the other and it has the numbers on it. 430 I think. What does it mean?
I really don't get it...On the pic of Teddy Hanson it says he was last seen on 12/07/07 and he was in the movie briefly on the brooklyn bridge...if he went missing wayyyyy before the cloverfield events took place in January 08 or something like that how could he be in the movie...and so was jamie{she was the girl passed out on the couch} so confused.
Teddy wasn't seen on the bridge, he wasn't in the movie at all.
Well, some people think that Teddy IS in the movie, (in the Brooklyn Bridge scene) theres a couple of videos about it on youtube. See for yourself. I really find the whole viral marketing thing mysterious/creepy/awesome at the same time! I love how he went missing! It adds to it! But...does the movie take place may 22-23 2007 or 2008? bcuz if it was 2007 the whole viral marketing thing duznt make sense...but if its 2008...then the movie came out before it all began???? im confused. can someone explain it to me plz?
well, at first i was baffled about the teddy hanson picture, then i was just watching around youtube, and i kept noticing this "tagruato" crap. so i looked a t the offical tagruato site, easily enough the logo in the bottom right of the hansen photo, is on the tagruato page, near the top. so theres proof.
Well, does the movie take place May 22-23 2007, 2008 or 2009?
At the movie end, Rob says "it's 6:42 a.m. om Saturday, May 23."
May 23 was Wednesday in 2007 and Friday in 2008.
Last time May 23 fall on Saturday was in 1998 and will fall on Saturday again in 2009.
obviously is not 1998 because we can see modern cellphones an many other present stuffs.
Then the only choice is 2009.
Maybe Teddy Hanson disappear in December 2007 but will appear before May 2009.
One more thing, the Godzilla movie was released in May 1998... coincidence?
ya think teddy escaped tagurato then went back to jamie to warn her about clover?
Is anyone still getting into this stuff? I just started really searching around and I'm seeing that little symbol everywhere (T.I.D.O. wave main page, Tagruato main page, jamieandsnyder blog page, jamieandteddy video page, and other places!) Does anyone know what it is, or is there any new info being found?
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