After a few videos of her basically going "I hate you! you never call" she opens the package early to find a Slusho! hat, a sample of Seabed's Nectar which reads "DO NOT EAT", and message from Teddy which says:
[Jamie stops tape]Jamie, listen to me, alright this is not a joke. If you're hearing this before we've spoken, then it means that I've been captured by the company called Tagruato. Ok, TAG-RU-ATO. Now listen. You, this is important. Don't call the authorities. It'll screw everything up. Just sit tight and wait to hear from Randy. He knows to call you. We're on their station ok, and it's like they've found something, or they're making something, but the point is, I can't, I'm not going to be calling you again. You're not gonna hear from me again. I just want you to wait for Randy.. he will explain
She gets all pissy and assumes he is lying and cheating. The common viewer gets that something has gone or is going very wrong.
Slusho, is a sub-company of Tagruato.
In video 6, Jamie calls Tagruato asking for Teddy, they have never heard of him.
In video 8, Jamie opens the packge of Seabeds Nectar, sniff it and makes the comment
"Wow, definitely opens my sinuses, that's for sure"
she than taste it,
"Tastes pretty good...Woah, what is this stuff that you sent me? I feel great, I'm gonna go out..."
In videos 9 and 10 she just goes off about hating him. 9 seems a bit more "hyper" which could be from the Nectar but I am unsure.
In video 11, which was released on 1-18-08 it shows her all dressed up. She says:
"I love you haha, I am finally over you and you know what, I feel like a whole new woman and it’s like it’s gonna be the first night of the rest of my life and and Lily is putting this thing together, and I’m gonna go to it and I don’t know why I just soo like I’m like uh the happiest the happiest I’ve ever been in my whole life and I don’t know I have like MASSIVE amounts of energy I’m gonna have MASSIVE amounts of sex with Schneider and it’s just gonna be great and I just think you should say goodbye to these breast (kisses breasts) cause you’re never gonna see them again and look here (slaps butt) I think you’re pathetic."
This is assuming after her eating more of the Nectar, the character "Lilly" is the same person who throws a surprise party for Rob, which is the same party. She is wearing the same dress in this video as she is in the picture on 1-18-08.com, and in the movie it self. At some point the character "Hud" is walking around the party filming stuff and shows Jamie, in the same dress passed out on the couch.
Jamies fate in the movie is unknown.
She also has a myspace: http://www.myspace.com/jamielascano