So many of you know these fabulous movie is coming out on DVD pretty quickly. There are many special editions as far as I know. I8 seriously doubt it will ever come out on HD-DVD as that is the way of the past. However standered DVD and BlueRay is going to happen.
The DVD when come out on June 9th in the UK.
The special features are as follows:
Keep in mind this is as per so it may not be 100% correct.
- Commentary by Director Matt Reeves
- Case Designate: Cloverfield (50 mins)
- Easter Eggs
- Document 01.18.08: The Making of Cloverfield
- Cloverfield Visual Effects
- I Saw It! It's Alive! It's Huge!
- Clover Fun
- Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
- Alternate Endings with Optional Commentary
According to
DVDActive Paramount has officially announced the Cloverfield DVD release, with the following details:
Paramount Home Entertainment has officially announced Cloverfield which stars Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas, TJ Miller. The Matt Reeves directed monster flick will be available to own from the 22nd April, and should retail at around $27.95. The film itself will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track. Extras will include a commentary by Director Matt Reeves, 4 featurettes (The Making of Cloverfield, Cloverfield Visual Effects, I Saw It! It's Alive! It's Huge, and Clover Fun), 6 additional scenes (Congrats Rob, When You're in Japan, I Call That a Date, It's Going to Hurt, Alt Ending #1, Alt Ending #2), and multiple eastereggs.
On March 18, 2008 the official Cloverfield Website had announced the DVD. Here is the ad:

You can find it just about anywhere. The official site links to but you can pre-order it pretty much anywhere. I would imagine WalMart will come out with some WalMart only edition as they do for everything. Details from what I know on "spacial edition" DVDs are few. Acccording to there will be a 'Steelbook' packaging that will be at Suncoast and FYE they got this info from IGN. I h

ave heard rumors of the UK DVD being in a smashed up tin box. Which has pretty much been confirmed by IGN.
One this to look at

is the head of the statue of liberty on the side of the ad, it is not like the statue in the movie. For one there are no claw marks in its face, it's not lying on it's side. And so on. On the right is a picture of the head compared with a picture of the head from the "escape from new york" poster which the movie was based on. And above that is two screen shots one from the movie and the other from the teaser trailer. My guess? An homage to the first film.
Thanks to for the photos!