UPDATE: In the English news report I posted today about this event it shows the same picture but live action. As the station is sinking into the water you hear the same roar we are all used to and giant chunks of what may be the building flying into the air. You can find that report in the YouTube post below this one.
A post from TidoWave.com:
"Do NOT return to The Farm. It’s crawling with agents on Tagruato’s payroll.
It’s a set up!!! All of our members know our goals and motivations are preservation of Mother Earth - NOT mass murder!!! Granted, we’re not upset that Tagruato has one fewer “death station”, but we would NEVER kill to accomplish our goals. This is yet another crime on humanity that Tagruato is trying to push off on the innocent.
And let me be clear: we will not stop until we find our missing brothers and sisters. We can’t give up hope.
Wait for Janice’s picture. Then you’ll know where to meet us. Tagruato’s lies will not go unpunished this time. Something happened to our comrades – and that station - and we’re going to find out - even if we have to go all the way to the top!!!"
So what I think happened is either they where drilling and disturbed some creature that has been sleeping for a long ass time. Or Tagruato blew the station up for some reason. I think they might have been drilling for the Nectar, but I also think they where drilling for the "Nectar" or in other words, told everyone thats what they where doing when they where really doing something else all together. Either situation can support that they disturbed the monster. Maybe the Nectar was its food? Or maybe the Nectar is its "sperm" or something like that. Point is more something went really wrong there and Tagruato blamed TidoWave, weather cause they honestly thought they did, or they where covering something up.
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