Friday, May 2, 2008

USGX8810B467233PX hacked

Not really. But someone found a way in with out the user id and password. I still think we need this info as I am sure there is something we are missing. You can find the hacked area here.

There are three files on the site. One is what seems to be a picture of Clover with the depth meter reading 916.2 M, the next very much so a picture of the
parasites with the depth meter reading 10,027.5 M. That is over six miles down. And the last is a transcript. Was this after the Chuai station? Maybe this is how they found Clover, was this for the first time? Or did they know it was coming cause it attacked in the comic? So many questions still to answer. Than again one can ague they are simply being inconsistent, but that doesn't seem very likely at all. Below is what the site we are able to find looks like. But we still need to be able to get into that Parent Directory.

Index of /usgx8810b467233px/ref.

Apache/2.2.6 (XENIX) mod_ssl/2.2.6 FEDSSL/0.9.8b mod_auth_intel_store/2.1... ok mod_O.SWRD.DV_key/codec/aqk non-dist Server logging...multiport scan

I think a lot of questions will be answered in the next few weeks. Since in game, as far as I am concerned the attack has yet to happen. Cause in the movie it happens on May 22. We shall see.

New website found!

Acccording to CloverfieldClues The website holding Alyse Hanssen's missing file has been found by GuesstimateJones.
is the site. At the moment it just has a single blank login screen. Apparently, the site was created in February, before the DVD release and of coarse any of the new ARG like the sword updates. If you go here you can see that this was figured out by putting a various of clues together. It seems fibonacci numbers is a key player in this part of the ARG, not something I really know a lot about. Thankfully, Dennis does! So here it goes:

All of the links begin with USGX-8810-B467, and end with a number and a letter code. The numbers all follow the fibonacci numbers. However the number 233 is missing from the sequence. USGX-8810-B467-233PX appears to be the missing file, and appears to be where that file is.

Simple enough now that you think about it. But honestly, all the ARG has been simple enough once you thought about it.

So what the heck is the user name and password? I don't know. No one really does at this point.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Missing Teddy Hanssen

Alyse has made another post on her blog:

Ok, I got to the missing usgx file website - but I still can't figure out the username/password!

I need your help. I have to know what's on this site!

Also, she responded to Anonymous
Anonymous -
I'm sorry but I have no other way to contact you so it has to be this way because I found the missing gx file, but you didn't give me a user name or password!

So what site is this? Where is she pointing to? *ponder*

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The secrets of Slusho or at lest where its hidding.

In TJ Millers video diary, a bonus disc you where able to buy from Best Buy he points out the word "Slusho" hidden in the graffiti. How exciting. Think theres anything else out there for us to see? Check out for pictures.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cloverfield articles and interviews

  • WIRED - Cloverfield roar to life on DVD, Online.
  • Bloody Disgusting - SpookyDan Drills 'Cloverfield's' Lizzy Caplan, Loses the Battle
  • Movie Web - Michael Stahl-David Talks Cloverfield
  • 411 Movies - Michael Stahl-David of Cloverfield
  • Tagruato Blogspot has an interview with the Cloverfield Monster's designer Neville Page.
  • Tagruato Blogspot has an interview with Tippett Studio's Eric Leven.

Matt Reeves Interview interviewd Matt Reeves and posted the article yesterday. The article is below and the direct link is on the bottom.

Cloverfield director talks potential sequel.

April 23, 2008 - With Cloverfield now on DVD shelves across the country, we were recently able to sit down with director Matt Reeves to discuss the blockbuster phenomenon. So keep reading for Reeves' thoughts on making a modern-day Godzilla, as well as a few juicy tidbits on a possible Cloverfield sequel.

IGN: As a director, what challenges were associated with doing a large-scale, effects-heavy monster film in this very low-budget, Blair Witch-style patina. How do make it feel raw and real and hand-held and still have to plan for sets and green-screens and transitions?

REEVES: That was both the challenge and the joy of it. We're making a movie for Paramount, on handy-cams, with special effects and improvisation…We're doing this kind of garage-band movie, but at the end of the day, it's still a mainstream monster movie for a major studio. The challenge was to find a way to always make it feel real. Very early on, because of all the footage I watched, I could see the way that people used cameras – their cell phones, their video-cameras – and that shoots in a very particular way. The way that camera moves is very different than the way an eighty-pound professional camera moves…So through the process of making the teaser trailer, we learned how to hide cuts and bridge different takes together. Normally, when you go into a movie, you have certain tools. You know that you can get a certain amount of shots and stage things in different ways. And I've always seen shooting as a kind of hunting and gathering process, where you go out and explore different things with the actors, knowing that you can cut everything together through editing. But on this movie, I knew that we wouldn't have that…So that meant that we had to get things often in one take. Instead of covering multiple angles, I would do one angle and shoot it 50 times. I'd start by shooting the rehearsals, and then introduce improvisation, and go on this epic search for what seemed real.

And the same was true for the camera – throw it, drop it. I'd know I wanted the camera in certain places at certain times and the trick was to invent "accidental" ways of it getting there. When we were down in the subway, there was a moment when Rob falls down trying to help Lilly, and the reason he does this is that when we were shooting on the day, he actually fell. So I wanted to build the rest of the sequence off the fact that he fell, largely because as we were working, we were constantly looking for ways to make him look like the un-heroic hero. It was enough that he was doing this – that he was going back for her – that he didn't need to seem like Tom Cruise doing it.

IGN: With a movie that's supposed to look this spontaneous – which includes improvisation in both the acting and directing – what does the first draft of the script look like in comparison to the film itself?

REEVES: When we started prep, the script still didn't exist. When I first got involved, there was only an outline. Drew [Goddard] was working on Lost at the time and he'd only just started writing…And one of the critical things that happened was that I went to the production designer and I said, "It starts in this part of town and moves here and moves there," and he said, "Okay, we're going to New York with a camera and we're going to take the paths that you're telling me, and we'll be able to identify what has to be shot in New York and what can be done here." But it also told us some stuff about the story. So as we were doing research, I'd seen this footage from Iraq of a guy hiding under a table in a tent that was being bombed, and it was terrifying. The sounds kept getting more and more intense, but the image was very obscure. And I said to Drew, "We need to get this into the movie." So there was a constant interplay between what was happening story-wise and what was happening with the production itself. We finally had a draft about a month out of shooting, so we essentially had a month to put together what we should have had twelve weeks to develop…

But the interesting thing about the process was that the fundamental underpinnings of the story – because we'd worked on them and developed them – that the basis of what happens, the structure of the story, is very much the structure that you see now. And the improvisation that we did had much more to do with, "Would he really react this way at this moment?" Or would a camera really move this way in this moment? And I was trying to communicate through a kind of short-hand that they had these relationships. One of the things I did with the actors was to say, "Listen, the most important thing you can do since we have no script is for you guys to hang out. Get to know each other and trust each other." And by the time we were shooting, they'd developed a rapport that I was able to call on in places. And TJ, who plays Hud, came from a stand-up background, so he'd come out with these great lines, and I'd go back to Drew, and he'd have an idea for a pay-off line later in the film…So the way things developed was very free-form, but the foundation of what Drew wrote was very strong.

IGN: What were your initial thoughts on the viral components

REEVES: There are a bunch of really smart young guys at Bad Robot who followed very carefully everything we were doing…And the whole idea of the movie is about this phenomenon of an age where everything we do is documented by those going through the experience…It's a way of dealing with chaos. Like, "This is a terrifying thing, but it becomes less terrifying if I become a documentarian instead of a victim." So in terms of the viral stuff, I always thought it fit well because it is so much about the same idea. That there are other points of view on the same event. When you look at a news event on CNN, the footage you see of critical stuff is coming from amateurs. So the idea of the internet being a news source – the website of an oil company, or Slusho – a fragmented prism focusing on the same central object: to get at the truth by piecing together a puzzle from all this condensed media.

IGN: Is there a flipside to that coin – as a director, watching all of that peripheral material define the cannon and the mythology of the "Cloverfield" event? In planning a potential sequel, do you feel at all beholden to or limited by that?

REEVES: There's nothing in the movie that we did that was driven by the viral stuff. All of that emerged from the story and the script and the footage as we were filming…I don't think we'll be as slavish to the viral stuff. I think that stuff was only meant to enhance, but not to drive the experience. The thing that's important to all of us as we're talking about what the sequel could be is that it's incumbent upon us to do something different. We can't just do a repeat of the experience. We're not 100% sure that there even will be a sequel, because we promised ourselves that if we couldn't come up with something new, it's not worth making. That being said, there are a couple ideas that are starting to build. But I think it's critical that there be something different. Part of what was exciting about the movie was how fresh it was. That was a throw-back, in our minds, to a period when you could go to the movies and really discover something. You see a trailer now and you know almost every scene in the movie. This time, we're not going to have that level of surprise. And some of it will be about point-of-view, but we're going to have to find new ways to build upon the story.

Whether it would be literally another person in New York going through the experience, I don't know if that would be substantially different enough. You can't continue to have no information. The idea was that Cloverfield is what it would feel like for somebody who was thrust into a situation with no idea what was happening. But the idea of being able to make a film that sheds more light on the story through a similarly fractured point-of-view will be important to a possible sequel.

Original found here.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Alyse is about to lose it

There is a new post from Alyse on her blog.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Having one of those days - those "stare at the ceiling" days. I feel like it would be really easy for me to go crazy right now. Just give in and go completely bats**t insane. Maybe I never even had a brother to begin with. He's always been lost.

I've lobbied, held fundraisers, and slept outside government buildings. Everyone I could think to call I called. I have everyone's pity. But there's always more to do. The growth of people is great but I can't sort through all these theories. I don't know what to believe anymore. Everyone thinks they know. But no one knows for sure where Teddy is, do they? No one is honestly doing anything to bring him back. The attention is great - but people could care less whether he actually comes back or not.

Why isn't anything happening? Why am I in the exact same place I was 4 months ago? Why won't anybody tell me what's going on? What do I have to do to get the truth?????

I've gotta make more calls. It's part of being a crazy person. You don't ever stop.

This is dated for the 22nd, the day the dvd came out. Also there is one comment:


Anonymous said...

You'll notice one of the files is missing. That's where your prayers will be answered. Now please stop.

What does all of this mean? Hmm ponder, ponder.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cloverfield Clues DVD buyers guide.

Check it out here, and let me know how things go for you. I am unlikely to get my own copy for another few weeks simply due to lack of cash :( Open!

The Cloverfield Files site is now open to the public. Before it read "forbidden". You have to solve a puzzle to unlock each movie. Dennis over at Cloverfieldclues has some hints for everyone just in case.

Here is the list of the exclusive videos:

  • The One'r: A look at the unique style of the film.
  • Amature Naturalism: The Challenge of making the movie look realistic as a handheld camera POV.
  • Casting Beth: A look at the casting of the character Beth with actress Odette Yustman.
  • Casting Jason: A look at casting the character Jason with actor Mike Vogel.
  • Wall of Dust: An in-depth look at one of the practical effects used in the movie.
  • Destruction: Production Designer Martin Whist's re-creation of a destroyed New York.
  • Casting Rob: A look at casting the character Rob with actor Michael Stahl-David.
  • Subway: Making a San Pedro abandoned warehouse look like a NY subway.
  • Casting Lily: A look at casting the character Lily with actress Jessica Lucas.
  • RataCloverfield: How rats were used in the movie.
  • World of the Parasite: Making parasites come to life.
  • Marlena's Death: Making a death scene realistic using practical effects.
  • Sideways Apartment: Recreating a destroyed building/apartment.
  • Military Element: Using real soldiers in the making of the movie.
  • Shooting Style: Translating the creator's vision to film

Monday, April 21, 2008 - Fake or Real?

A new rumored ARG site has popped up,, no password. I doubt the site is actually IG, I think it may be fake. However I wanted to call it to everyones attention anyways. From what I can tell the site has to have been set up prior to the attack as she talks about the Sea Bed Nector being in her apt.

Snyder, if you're reading this, you finally read my email and found the link to this site.

When my brother, Bill (he's a computer freek .. can't wait for you to meet him, except he lives near philly) sets me up with a password, I will upload those pictures we took before that party! We can't have everyone seeing them ;) That stuff was like viagra!!! Make sure you don't eat it all at once, I have more at the apt, but not much.

This is about as far as I can go on my own.... this internet language is japanese to me.

Speaking of Japanese, some guy I know just got a job in Japan selling some ice drink. Who would just pack up and leave for Japan?!?!?! Not me.

These pics are crazy, I don't know what's gotten into me. I would show you them in person, but I haven't heard from you... where the hell are you? Call me, it's been a week since I heard from you.


JL loves SC

SC? I wonder what his last name would be. As far as I can tell the sword symbol is no where to be found on the site, which is one of many reason that make me question is legitimacy.

Also, Missing Teddy Hansson Blog, fake or real?
  • This site does not have the sword like every other confirmed ARG site.
  • This is the first site in the series that does not have its own domain name
  • Many of the blog posts have been back dated. i.e. her first post says its on March 20th, 2008 when the URL indicates the post was made in April 2008, why would she do that?

Ganu Fights Off Attackers read over

So I have been scanning over all the ARG sites trying to find something I may have missed. This article left me wondering:

Tagruato is proud to report that Ganu Yoshida, sustaining no injuries from his recent attack, is continuing his trip as scheduled. "They tried to hold down my hands," smiled Yoshida at today's BevVo press conference, "But I can still point to the stars."

Yoshida was ambushed yesterday afternoon by a radical gang as he left a important restaurant. The group was barely able to restrain Yoshida and pour a liquid over his head before Yoshida fought back, scattering the gang in all directions. Tagruato security officials believe these may be the same attackers who caused the Chuai Station incident weeks prior.

Yoshida remains in high spirits despite the incident and assures his loyalists that the stunt will not affect Slusho!'s assimilation into America. "I should really thank the criminals, " chuckled Yoshida, "Because of them, I had to postpone a meeting. Now I can extend my stay in New York. I look forward to seeing more of this wonderful city."

When asked if he feared further attacks from the radicals, who reportedly escaped after running from Yoshida's power, he responded, "No. I have nothing more to worry about from them."

Maybe Ganu was in New York during the attack? Maybe he is dead. I have a new theory since reading the Magna. In the 3rd Magna, Kishin finds out he has the pod thing inside his body the controls the monster. And when he got angry with the bullys, the monster awoke. Later after dodging death a few times and lots of gore the monster and him meet, the monster bows his head and lets Kishin onto his head. An image of the bullys a peers and we get the "To Be Continued..."

Theory: If Kishin can control the monster maybe he sent it to New York to kill Ganu? He is the head of Tagruato the same company Kishins dad worked for, the same company that killed his mother he loved so much. Maybe he was getting the ultimate revenge? There has been no updates on the Tagruato site since the movies release. My guess is he sent the monster in a blind rage, it saw the Tagruato tanker and blew it up, than attacked New York looking for Ganu. The military attacked it, it got more pissed off and just destroyed everything.

This of coarse is all based on the comic being BEFORE the movie. However, if the comic did happen before the movie than why didn't the peeps in New York know it was coming? However some of the photos on hint that someone new about the Monster before hand as it hits a bunch of ships. Maybe all Tagruato. Than again, maybe everyone that knew about it died before the monster got to New York, I mean if everyones dead there is no one to tell right? ;)

Cloverfield Magna 3 translation

You can check it out here. Remember to read it from right to left and left to right.

New post from Alyse

Alyse is happy with her support.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just wanted to thank everyone for the new outpouring of support I've been getting. I'm guessing some of what I'm doing must be working. So, whether you saw the flyers, heard about me on the news, or whatever, it's good to have more visitors here.

Yahoo News: brams' `Godzilla' envy helped unleash `Cloverfield' monster

By DAVID GERMAIN, AP Movie Writer Mon Apr 21, 9:45 AM ET

LOS ANGELES - It was a classic case of monster envy that led to the rise of "Cloverfield," the horror hit about a 350-foot creature stomping through New York City.

Visiting Tokyo with his son a few years ago, producer J.J. Abrams was struck by the omnipresence of Godzilla in toy stores half a century after the giant reptile first terrorized Japan.

"This iconic character had really maintained his position," Abrams told The Associated Press in an interview to promote Tuesday's DVD release of "Cloverfield," which set a record for January debuts with a $40 million opening weekend.

"I thought it would be so great if we had our own monster movie, not just `Godzilla,' not just `King Kong,'" said Abrams, creator of TV's "Lost" whose big-screen credits include directing "Mission: Impossible III" and the upcoming "Star Trek."

With longtime TV collaborators Matt Reeves directing and Drew Goddard writing the screenplay, Abrams set out to create a homegrown beast beyond the guy-in-a-lizard-suit quaintness of "Godzilla" flicks, bringing the creature-feature into modern times.

What they hit on was a refreshing mix of monster mayhem and the amateur-video style of "The Blair Witch Project" as a Manhattan farewell party for a friend being recorded on a hand-held digital camera becomes an impromptu documentary of the gargantuan's rampage.

Shot for less than $25 million, a bargain price in Hollywood, "Cloverfield" heightened its documentary realism by using a cast of unknowns and maximized its limited budget for visual effects by offering scattershot images of the monster and devastation as the characters run for their lives.

"It becomes more effective to have fewer money shots, like `Alien' and `Jaws.' When you're not actually seeing things but anticipating them, it can be much more terrifying," Abrams said. "We really tried to take the position that less is more. There are definitely shots where you see the whole thing, but we didn't want to make something where you felt it was becoming overdone."

Abrams and distributor Paramount used similarly clandestine tactics to sell the film, keeping the title under wraps until shortly before its release and offering trailers and online marketing to make movie-goers ask one another, "What in the world is this film?"

"Cloverfield," the name of a street near Abrams' office, was a code name for the movie but ultimately became its title because he and his collaborators never hit on anything they liked better.

Given the murky origins of the monster itself and the fact that the story plays out through a discovered tape in the Pentagon's secret files, "Cloverfield" made sense, said Abrams, who is kicking around ideas for a possible sequel.

"The Manhattan Project or various military actions, there are always titles for these things that sometimes feel oddly benign," Abrams said. "So it felt logical in that regard."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cloverfield Secret

If you go to the official Cloverfield movie site, the DVD trailer shows something new and cool.

After you check it out:
My guess is it's one of the alternate endings. And that at lest Beth is alive. I bet they both are and they will be in a second movie, but ive always thought that.

Friday, April 18, 2008

New Missing Teddy Hanson post

Alyse Hanssen has posted once again in her blog she talking about getting a hold of Tagruato.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Here’s the form letter I got from Tagruato after months of calling. It must’ve taken them 2 minutes to write this. Now they direct me to a false answering machine whenever I call.

“Dear Ms. Hanssen,

We are deeply sad to learn about the disappearance of your loved one. Unfortunately, we have no further information at this time related to the Chuai rig collapse. If you have any other knowledge that would help us aid you in your search, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ai Watanabe

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

T.I.D.O. Wave Update

There is a new blog post on the TidoWave site:

To MissingTeddyHanssen.

There’s no help coming. Stop your campaign.

There’s nothing here.

A few days ago we saw that a MissingTeddyHanssen made a post about finding there brother.


MissingTeddyHanson replied with this:

That’s what I thought. You’re pathetic. And if you think I’m giving up on my brother you’re stupider than I gave you credit for. Anyone who’s tired of being lied to should come to my blog. We have to stick together. There are more people out there affected by this. I can’t be the only one.

Thanks to CloverfieldClues I found, I am a little unsure if its an ARG site or not. But since TIDOWave made a post about her, I would think it is.

On the blog it talks about Teddy working for ParaffFUN, a sub company of Tagruato Corp. 0_0

Saturday, April 5, 2008

T.I.D.O. Wave Update has been updated with the same sword as all the other sites. Which means every Cloverfield Viral/ARG site has been "hacked"

Thanks to Jake.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jamie and Sword Tagged

With in the last two hours or so has been tagged with the sword symbol just like the Slusho! ,, and Tagruato websites. Click on the picture, it will ask for a password (jllovesth) it will than bring up 11 video links. On the right hand side is the sword. This one has a file name as opposed to all the others which have needed to be screen shots. "t543w.jpg" it's 15x28 pixles.

Sword Update

The well known and popular blog has been tagged with the sword. It very well could be the owner just added it for fun I am unsure. But I am documenting it anyways.

T.I.D.O. Wave Update

The T.I.D.O. Wave site has been updated. At lest they finally approved all the comments.
There are no other updates I can see at this time.

January 17, 2008
Horns down. If we go quiet, it won’t be permanent. May the great mother protect her servants in their greatest time of need. She guides our hands.

There is a comment from a "Lilly" it could honestly just be another Lilly or a random person pretending to be Lilly who knows? But we all know there are some placed IC comments in there. There is also a comment from a "MissingTeddyHanssen" who seems very upset that they have not found him yet. Maybe Jamie? Maybe shes alive?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tagruato and the sword

On the About Us and the Deep Sea Drilling pages of there is now the black sword similar to the ones on the Slusho! and the site.

I will keep you updated.

April 3 9:22 AM MST
The About Us page has removed the sword while Deep Sea Drilling page has not

-UPDATE- April 3 10:24 AM MST
The sword has returned to the About Us Page


Here are the pictures of the swords from the page. The files names are index_grad_head.jpg for About Us and deepsea_grad_head.jpg for Deep Sea Drilling.

Teddy Hanson Missing Poster and Slusho! Sword

Yeah I know I have had a hell of a time keeping this thing updated but I swear I am alive.

So latest news? A new picture on A missing poster for Teddy! You remember Teddy right? He is the boyfriend to Jamie from the tie ins. While Jamie was only in the movie all of 30 seconds she and Teddy (first time pictured) played a huge part in the pre viral marketing. On the back of the poster is this a symbol that is also on the main page and the contest page of the Slusho! website as of like a week ago. The only difference is the one is reverse from the other and it has the numbers on it. 430 I think. What does it mean?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cloverfield ROAR! Overtune, comnig soon?

Thanks to

Film Score Magazine has a video interview with Michael Giacchino, the composer of Cloverfield's closing credits overture "Roar!". Giacchino was surprised by the demand for the score, but is said to be working on releasing it in some form soon, presumably in time for the DVD release.

ScoreKeeper of AICN reports that "the original composition was thirteen minutes long while the version which ended up in the film was edited down to eleven minutes. [Giacchino] concludes by saying the version they’re going to release will be the full thirteen minute work."

Friday, March 28, 2008

Cloverfield on DVD

So many of you know these fabulous movie is coming out on DVD pretty quickly. There are many special editions as far as I know. I8 seriously doubt it will ever come out on HD-DVD as that is the way of the past. However standered DVD and BlueRay is going to happen.

The DVD when come out on June 9th in the UK.
The special features are as follows:
Keep in mind this is as per so it may not be 100% correct.
  • Commentary by Director Matt Reeves
  • Case Designate: Cloverfield (50 mins)
  • Easter Eggs
  • Document 01.18.08: The Making of Cloverfield
  • Cloverfield Visual Effects
  • I Saw It! It's Alive! It's Huge!
  • Clover Fun
  • Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
  • Alternate Endings with Optional Commentary
According to DVDActive Paramount has officially announced the Cloverfield DVD release, with the following details:

Paramount Home Entertainment has officially announced Cloverfield which stars Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas, TJ Miller. The Matt Reeves directed monster flick will be available to own from the 22nd April, and should retail at around $27.95. The film itself will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track. Extras will include a commentary by Director Matt Reeves, 4 featurettes (The Making of Cloverfield, Cloverfield Visual Effects, I Saw It! It's Alive! It's Huge, and Clover Fun), 6 additional scenes (Congrats Rob, When You're in Japan, I Call That a Date, It's Going to Hurt, Alt Ending #1, Alt Ending #2), and multiple eastereggs.

On March 18, 2008 the official Cloverfield Website had announced the DVD. Here is the ad:
You can find it just about anywhere. The official site links to but you can pre-order it pretty much anywhere. I would imagine WalMart will come out with some WalMart only edition as they do for everything. Details from what I know on "spacial edition" DVDs are few. Acccording to there will be a 'Steelbook' packaging that will be at Suncoast and FYE they got this info from IGN. I have heard rumors of the UK DVD being in a smashed up tin box. Which has pretty much been confirmed by IGN.

One this to look at is the head of the statue of liberty on the side of the ad, it is not like the statue in the movie. For one there are no claw marks in its face, it's not lying on it's side. And so on. On the right is a picture of the head compared with a picture of the head from the "escape from new york" poster which the movie was based on. And above that is two screen shots one from the movie and the other from the teaser trailer. My guess? An homage to the first film.

Thanks to for the photos!

Slusho and a sword?

On the Slusho! website they had a new strange symbol post. It looks to me like a sword with maybe a quote balloon or the number 9 being stabbed. It's on the main page and the contest page. There are no other changes to the site.

-UPDATE- The sword has since than turned black instead of blue. You can click on the black sword for a larger picture.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cloverfield Magna

Kadokawa, a large Japan based comic book company has been producing a comic for Cloverfield. It's a prequel to the movie.

Part 1 Translated here.
Part 2 Translated here.

I will post more as info comes. There is lots of secrets and stuff but most of it can be found as that above site.

The official site is here.

From what I understand the entire story is based a while before the movie. Even translated it's hard to read. But still very cool. Check it out.

Related articles found here and here

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cloverfield Monster the Toy

Hasbro has posted pictures of the Cloverfield Monster toy. This thing is very limited edition. And at $100.00 a pop, not easy to get a hold of. has posted a gallery of pictures of the toy.


Cloverfield Monster Features:

  • 70 points of articulation and incredible life-like detail
  • Authentic sound
  • 14” tall
  • 10 parasites
  • Two interchangeable heads
  • Statue of Liberty head accessory
  • Special Cloverfield collector’s edition packaging

In conjunction with the launch of the highly anticipated CLOVERFIELD movie release, Hasbro, in a partnership with Bad Robot and Paramount Pictures, has produced a super-articulated and highly detailed limited collector’s edition Cloverfield Monster.

The Cloverfield monster is available exclusively through Reserve your Cloverfield monster today to have the opportunity to receive it when it ships later this year. Limited quantities are available.

Includes 3 “AAA” Batteries.

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD. Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Cloverfield TM & © 2008 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Slusho Laptop

On there is a post about a loyal Cloverfield fan, Austin and his spiffy Slusho! Laptop. The lap top was a prize in a Slusho! commercial contest.

Monday, January 21, 2008 (password: jllovesth)

There are 11 videos (as of 11-21-08) if you start from 1 it pretty much tells a story of this girls boyfriend Teddy, who is working to stop a company called Tagruato Corp, which is a drilling company and gives off a "Umbrella Corp." feel. Anyways, the videos don't tell a whole lot till about the 3rd or 4th in which Teddy sends Jamie a package which she can't open until December 9th.

After a few videos of her basically going "I hate you! you never call" she opens the package early to find a Slusho! hat, a sample of Seabed's Nectar which reads "DO NOT EAT", and message from Teddy which says:

Jamie, listen to me, alright this is not a joke. If you're hearing this before we've spoken, then it means that I've been captured by the company called Tagruato. Ok, TAG-RU-ATO. Now listen. You, this is important. Don't call the authorities. It'll screw everything up. Just sit tight and wait to hear from Randy. He knows to call you. We're on their station ok, and it's like they've found something, or they're making something, but the point is, I can't, I'm not going to be calling you again. You're not gonna hear from me again. I just want you to wait for Randy.. he will explain
[Jamie stops tape]

She gets all pissy and assumes he is lying and cheating. The common viewer gets that something has gone or is going very wrong.

Slusho, is a sub-company of Tagruato.

In video 6, Jamie calls Tagruato asking for Teddy, they have never heard of him.

In video 8, Jamie opens the packge of Seabeds Nectar, sniff it and makes the comment

"Wow, definitely opens my sinuses, that's for sure"

she than taste it,

"Tastes pretty good...Woah, what is this stuff that you sent me? I feel great, I'm gonna go out..."

In videos 9 and 10 she just goes off about hating him. 9 seems a bit more "hyper" which could be from the Nectar but I am unsure.

In video 11, which was released on 1-18-08 it shows her all dressed up. She says:

"I love you haha, I am finally over you and you know what, I feel like a whole new woman and it’s like it’s gonna be the first night of the rest of my life and and Lily is putting this thing together, and I’m gonna go to it and I don’t know why I just soo like I’m like uh the happiest the happiest I’ve ever been in my whole life and I don’t know I have like MASSIVE amounts of energy I’m gonna have MASSIVE amounts of sex with Schneider and it’s just gonna be great and I just think you should say goodbye to these breast (kisses breasts) cause you’re never gonna see them again and look here (slaps butt) I think you’re pathetic."

This is assuming after her eating more of the Nectar, the character "Lilly" is the same person who throws a surprise party for Rob, which is the same party. She is wearing the same dress in this video as she is in the picture on, and in the movie it self. At some point the character "Hud" is walking around the party filming stuff and shows Jamie, in the same dress passed out on the couch.

Jamies fate in the movie is unknown.

She also has a myspace:

Friday, January 18, 2008


The characters also ALL have there own MySpace, I have links on the side of the page to each single one. I highly suggest you check em out. If you surf all of there MySpaces you will see blog posts, comments and photo comments that help tell the story and round out the characters as "people".

The point of the sites in the first place is to help give clues to how the story works. May work, whatever. The personalties of everyone and just rounds the whole story out. But movie characters with MySpaces are more and more common these days. Oddly enough most of the season one Heroes characters have there own MySpace as well. Slusho! has been seen on Heroes before.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Chuai Station

There is a post about a the Chuai station blowing up and killing everyone on site off what is the west cost, near NYC. On there is picture of men driving away in a boat from the drilling site. This picture was added on roughly 1-7-08.

In the English news report I posted today about this event it shows the same picture but live action. As the station is sinking into the water you hear the same roar we are all used to and giant chunks of what may be the building flying into the air. You can find that report in the YouTube post below this one.

A post from

"Do NOT return to The Farm. It’s crawling with agents on Tagruato’s payroll.

It’s a set up!!! All of our members know our goals and motivations are preservation of Mother Earth - NOT mass murder!!! Granted, we’re not upset that Tagruato has one fewer “death station”, but we would NEVER kill to accomplish our goals. This is yet another crime on humanity that Tagruato is trying to push off on the innocent.

And let me be clear: we will not stop until we find our missing brothers and sisters. We can’t give up hope.

Wait for Janice’s picture. Then you’ll know where to meet us. Tagruato’s lies will not go unpunished this time. Something happened to our comrades – and that station - and we’re going to find out - even if we have to go all the way to the top!!!"

So what I think happened is either they where drilling and disturbed some creature that has been sleeping for a long ass time. Or Tagruato blew the station up for some reason. I think they might have been drilling for the Nectar, but I also think they where drilling for the "Nectar" or in other words, told everyone thats what they where doing when they where really doing something else all together. Either situation can support that they disturbed the monster. Maybe the Nectar was its food? Or maybe the Nectar is its "sperm" or something like that. Point is more something went really wrong there and Tagruato blamed TidoWave, weather cause they honestly thought they did, or they where covering something up.

More Chuai Station News Videos - English, Russian, and Japanese

Three more Chuai Station news videos have been found, English, Russian and Japanese!


In the English version, you can see a website mentioned - This site was made in 04, which makes me think there real and not part of the viral campaign. So don't bug em.

Russian Translation:
Celebration of the New Year distracted the society from the accident in the Atlantic Ocean which happened in the end of the past year. A huge drilling platform also known as the Chuai station collapsed into the ocean and sank to the bottom in several hours. The platform located in hunderds of kilometres from the american coast belonged to the japanese corporation Tagruato. At the moment the amount of people on the place of the accident is unknown. This video was got by news agencies from an anonymous source. Experts will have to investigate what exactly this footage shows. But now we know for sure that the collapse of the platform is not a result of enviromental cataclysm. Some moments of the video show that there was skirmish. All parties releated to the incident prefer to keep silence. We may only guess what happened there.

Some informational sources say that at the current moment there are ships of US coastguard but there is not official confirmation on that from the coastguard representatives.

This is the second video shot afterwards. The people on the video might be the only survivors of the catastrophe.
This story has an important aspect for Russia. The Tagruato corporation has 3 drilling platforms in Russia: the Suizei station in the Okhotskoe sea, Kosho in the Chukotskoe sea, and Koan in the East-Siberian sea. The most of the crew on them are russians. Are they safe from such kinds of incidents? We may only guess who could profit from such kind of attack and hope that interests of mysterious criminals won't be applied to russian assets.

Alexander Vasiliev for RNNS.
Japanese translation:
December the 27th, this was the situation on the Chuai maritime platform.
This shocking scene of a group of three to four people at the moment of an attack was caught on a mobile phone camera.

This full details about this event have not come in, the condition is at a standstill but, from a helicopter, a news liaison person filmed it [Chuai station] breaking and falling into the sea. Two Japanese people from Tagruato and five people of unidentified nationality are missing [location unknown].

Today is the first time this event has come to light.

Tagruato denies existence of armed troops on the Chuai platform, yet in this video we can see that these people are wearing Tagruato logos on their clothes. At the end of the video, the lifeboat is fired upon by missiles but no word has been heard from them

The spokesman is just saying that there is no loss of life and the channel is reporting to have received this late.
The families of the missing Japanese people have been notified, etc. The spokesman is saying that this is a difficult situation and that the environmentalist group TIDOWave is known to have been close to the scene.

A Norwegian tanker when returning to New York, ran into difficulties and all contact was lost from it.
In the Japanese video, the Tagruato memo is shown in English(?!?!), here is what it says (Thanks to Transparent Blue of Unfiction):

2 January 2008

In the news statement transmitted earlier today, January 2, 2008, for TAGRUATO CORPORATION, the name of one of the missing individuals is Francois Nouvelle, not Francoise Nouvelle as was previously reported. The correct and complete statement follows:

CHUAI DRILLING STATION - TAGRUATO CORPORATION reports that a serious incident took place on one of its deep sea drilling stations, CHUAI DRILLING STATION, located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

A comprehensive internal investigation is underway, but details are limited.

TAGRUATO CORPORATION can confirm that the incident took place between the 26th and 27th of December 2007. No loss of life has been confirmed, but TAGRUATO CORPORATION regrets that a number of TAGRUATO employees and independent contractors who were on the CHUAI DRILLING STATION at the time of the incident are reported missing. Confirmed missing are: Hideaki Sakamoto, Gerhard Ploecker, Tsuneo Matsuhara, Dr. Paul Nightingale, Donald Carter, Francois Nouvelle, Andy Young-Mun. Search operations are in effect and every effort is being made to identify and trace the missing individuals.

A further number of individuals are reported missing, but these reports are unconfirmed at this time. Press-reports are circulating regarding the existance of footage purporting to show the total destruction of CHUAI DRILLING STATION. TAGRUATO CORPORATION has not seen this footage, and cannot comment. However, TAGRUATO CORPORATION can confirm the presence of members from the activist group T.I.D.O. Wave in the vicinity of CHUAI DRILLING STATION. T.I.D.O. Wave is a clandestine group of extremists who have intentionally caused damage to TAGRUATO CORPORATION property in the past, and several of whose members are currently incarcerated.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

News Reports on Chuai Station

News reports have surfaced on YouTube talknig about the Chuai Station sinking. They are in German, Italian, Spanish, and French.

Check them out here:

German Chuai News:

Italian Chuai News:

Spanish Chuai News:

French Chuai News:

Spanish Translation:

This is an amazing story. Three short and highly dramatic scenes have just been disclosed, which seem to be showing the total loss of a rig in the middle of the ocean. The rig seems to be Chouai Station, which lies in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and sank a few days ago, even though there’s been no official confirmation of the incident.

This is the video, shot from a helicopter which is either approaching or leaving the rig:


This rig harbors over 300 workers and scientists. The video seems to show it breaking apart and sinking in a matter of minutes, even though this kind of modern
rigs are designed to keep afloat under the worse circumstances up to 24 hours.

It’s something absolutely extraordinary. Experts are studying this footage and trying to determine the causes of this tragedy. Some sources even suggest the
rig may have suffered some kind of attack.

Tagruato, the Japanese company that runs the rig was forced to appear publicly and make a hasty statement when the footage was disclosed.

Their spokesperson said it has been confirmed that the Tidowave eco group was in the area when the incident took place and he maintains that the group has
infiltrated Tagruato operations in the past causing damage. This footage, shot with a mobile phone on the rig seem to confirm this possibility:


Whatever the cause, the violence of this event was registered by the Seismological Institute in Ribadeo (real town on the north-western coast of Spain). The scientists at the institute doubt this kind of effect can be the result of a human-made explosion.

The incredible speed, the scale of the event, and the sheer drama of this incident are clearly shown by this last piece of footage, apparently shot by some crew members of the rig while trying to escape.


These are truly shocking images. We have no news about the fate of these people and the person who was behind the camera. We can only hope they could somehow survive. It seems…


And also, the banner on the bottom of the screen reads "A loss of jobs because of the construction's (loss) is foreseen".
German translation:

About 1300 km from the coast of New York 3 days ago a drilling did sink for unknown reasons. recently we got dramatic pictures from the collapse of the platform by international news agencies. (man screams stuff i can't understand) The videos show the sinking of Inexplicable reasons which is also for experts hard to understand. at the moment of the disaster 355 workers were on board. the Chuai platform was opened in September 2007 and is one of the biggest drilling in the world. It is operated by the big Japanese company Tagruato which has it's headquarters in Tokyo. The high advanced drilling system was planned by the company Zwichau Engineering in Leipzig (Leipzig is an East-German town) under the leadership of the graduated engineer Dominik Möltken. we asked him if the collapse could be caused by a construction mistake. Dominik Möltken:"from structural reasons there are no evidences that a failure of the basic structure or of one of the security systems could cause such a catastrophe. this is just impossible. this is physically not possible."

Although the videos are of very poor quality it seems as you can notice a gun fire from the platform. In the past, Tagruato was already accused to have a big private army and experts investigate. At the moment if the escape-behavior of the crew is caused by a para-military attack.

Actual news report that people were killed, but Tagruato's spokesman denies that. Yet it is unclear if Germans were on board.

Italian Translation:
"Environmental disaster in the Atlantic ocean."

The Chuai station, the petrol platform of the Japan's technological colossus Tagruato, would be exploded on December 27th in a mysterious way.

Only today, after a week, there are some info/news about the fact, even if the whole thing remains behind a curtain of mystery.

The images which are you watching, have been made during the disaster and the causes of the accident remains unknown.

The Tagruato, in a official note gave to the Japanese media, talks about an accident happened to a company's platform and point the finger against the eco-terrorist group TIDO, that in the past would have already made some damages on the platform.

But a curtain of mystery seems to cover the event: some international media are showing images made probably with a cell-phone by a Tagruato worker.
You can see men with white and red clothes which are running away from something that we can't understand what it is.

From some American sources, it seems that at the moment of the disaster , the seismographers of the East-coast have recorded big and strange signals.
This confirms that something unknown could be the cause of the disaster.

On the Tagruato press note we can also read that the workers of the platform are all saved and alive.

This is only the last bad thing that happened to this Tagruato's platform: in fact the platform have been alway the target of various eco-groups.

Now, the work to understand what caused the end of the platform, will be really hard for the detectives."
French Translation:
New informations on the Chuai station, the platform that sinked last Friday off the shores of NY. Images where obtained this morning at the redaction office, but we can't identify the source.


So you can see it. The images are bad and there is panic. then we can see an armed commando. And look carefully on the shoulder off the armed men, you can see the Tagruato's logo.

A spokeman confirmed that an incident occured, explosions happened on chuai, but there is no wounded person, he stated. He then accuse tido activists to be at the origin of the catastrophe. After seeing the video, the spokeman stated that 7 person are missing, but deny that those images where taken on Chuai.

The activists accused by Tagruato, belongs to an ecologic radical organization from France. We must say that interrogations are formulated against the giant mining corporation in the US. Some associations have filed legal procedures to obtain cessation of mining activity on Chuai.

Mme Leclerc's part.

The situation is unbearable for the families. Listen to the mother of a young engineer that worked on the platform. She does not have any news from her son. " I don't know what hapenned, I don't know anything, I'm not alone in this situation. Having no news of your child is unbearable. No one informing us, I don't know if he's alive, if he's lost or if we are looking for him. The media have nothing to say about this. I don't know, it's total blackout here."

Many questions remains to be answered. Tagruato have opened an internal investigation on the drama, but we have no details since the group refuse to communicate further to the press. We are ignoring if there are victims, Tagruato speak of seven persons lost, we remind you that 355 persons worked on chuai, some of them have been evacuated but how many we don't know.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Whistler Blower

Back in Aug 07 when people where ordering things from the Slusho! web site they where getting Newspaper clippings in there order as far as any was ever able to tell he had no clues. In November with peoples Slusho! orders they relived a torn up Tagruato Corp memo.

You obtain, the batten

{TO:} Level 1 Temporary Provision Staff Member
{FROM:} Judgement Council

{SUBJECT: Trusting Those Out of Our Sight

Effective Immediately!

Over the next few days, because of the incident that took place, sta
rting now all letters to the outside will first
pass through our communication center, or they will not go out. Level 1 Personnel? They will remain where they are,
making certain to read the message from start to finish. (How will they know it is authentic, this message that is
dispatched everywhere? When it is inscribed by the ?.)

In addition, working hard/employment rusted overtime? As for the employees, they will be made to wait in their
appointed lodging facility until told otherwise.

If one witnesses an act of misconduct, and neglects to report it to the Council, Chuai's department bu
reau will enforce
principles and regard it as a violation. There will be no exceptions.
On top of that there was a hand written note, which reads:

American, The Chuai station hides a dark secret. Good people are going missing. Expect further communication in the near future. - the Whistle Blower
Hmmm can we say juicy?

UPDATE: I bought a Slusho! shirt after the movies release. I got a confirmation email almost right after I finished the order. After a month of not getting my short or my credit card getting charged I sent this email:

I ordred a Slusho! Shirt on Jan 21st, and I still don't have it. Heck, the charge hasn't even gone through yet. Whats going on?
This was sent on Feb 2, on Feb 11th I got this reply

Slusho! apologizes for the delay. Your order has been processed, but due to backorders in several products, has not been shipped yet. Your order will be shipped as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and for shopping with Slusho!
I think it was about a week after that I got the shirt. I did not get any memos or anything like that but my invoice says "N/A" on price of the shirt and my credit card was never charged. So I got the shirt for free.

On Dec 18, 2007 the owner of the blog received a memo from the Whistle Blower. If you read the article you can click onto a picture that has a translation of the memo, its a financial statement for the third quarter of 2007, with a table of the profits from each drilling station. Chuai is not on there.

Not to long after this emails where popping into peoples inboxes who had signed up for updates on the Slusho! site. However, they where not cold drink related. Screen shots of sonar images from a Tagruato computer where in the email. If you look close you can see the shape of the monster in the water. The theory is the monster is moving from the Chaui station to NYC. The screen shots are from 12-18-07, one month before the movies release.

Tagruato Corp site hackings

On around Nov 24, 2007 the Tagruato site was hacked.

The title was changed to "TAGRUATO IS DESTROYING OUR OCEANS", and the regular picture of Ganu Yoshida has been graffiti-ed - adding devil horns to Ganu, a tidal wave destroying a city, and various sea life.

Interestingly, the wave and sea animals all have roman numerals hidden on them, and the sea animals have hidden words indicating type of animal it is:
  1. Tanner Crab
  2. Irukandji Jellyfish
  3. Dumbo Octopus
  4. Ogre fish
  5. The Wave, which is similar to Hokusai's "Great Wave Off Kanagawa"
Two days later on the 26th the site was mostly restored saying "Under Construction" in Japanese. By the end of that day the site had been fully restored. On Nov 28th 2007 the site was hacked again with the same exact hack and was restored with in the same day. The clues of this hack where since than solved by many Cloverfield fans.

If you recall, five items were numbered in the hacked picture. Taking the first letter of each four, and adding it to wave gives you the address of the new site. T.I.D.O. Wave. With in days the flood gates had opened and tons of fans where making either "I am so excited for the movie!" posts or posts that very much related to the point of the site. Which meant at that point, the comments could not really be trusted. Not with out serious thinking anyways.

Tagruato Corp drilling sites

StationLocationDate OpenedWorkforce EU.R.R.
Jimmu StationInland SeaFri, Jun 14, 19911765.4 billion
Suizei StationSea of OkhotskFri, Sep 4, 19921142.1 billion
Annei Station Ionian BasinFri, Sep 11, 19921242.2 billion
Itoku StationJava TrenchFri, Sep 18, 1992911.5 billion
Kosho StationChukchi SeaSat, Feb 25, 1995760.690 billion
Koan StationEast Siberian SeaSat, Feb 25, 19951073.3 billion
Korei StationGreenland SeaSat, Feb 25, 1995881.7 billion
Kogen StationWeddell SeaSat, Feb 25, 19951978 billion
Kaika StationPuerto Rico TrenchSat, Feb 25, 1995620.3 billion
Sujin StationDiamantina TrenchSat, Nov 7, 199831417 billion
Suinin StationMariana TrenchTue, Jan 30, 200127313 billion
Keiko StationSouth Sandwich Trench Sat, May 17, 20032079 billion
Seimu StationEurasia BasinTue, Mar 15, 200528115 billion
Chuai StationMid-Atlantic RidgeOpening September 2007 355in development


There is also a site called T.I.D.O. Wave which on 1-18-08 was shut down. This site is like the "anti Tagruato Corp" site they talk about them distorting mother earth, harming animals and blah blah. There is a post on the site talking about the Seabed's Nectar not being FDA approved, even though the Tagruato site has a blog post saying it is.

The site has many posts and rants that are very anti Tagruato. They even have a
Cruel-etin board. I always got the PETA feel from them. Total extrameist. I do however think Tagruato is hiding something. Click around on the site and read all there posts. They help put the larger picture into focus. This entire thing is much bigger than Rob and his going away party.

On 1-23-08 This site went back up.

Around Nov 24, 07 T.I.D.O. Wave hacked Tagruatos site. This actually lead to the discovery of the T.I.D.O. Wave site even surfaced was clues left on the Tagruato site. Since the movies release the hacking and updating for this site has stopped. It is rumored that Teddy works for T.I.D.I.O. wave.

"Yoshida Brings Happy Flavor to Big Apple Ganu Yoshida left with much fanfare today as he boarded his private Tagruato jet that will fly him directly to New York city in the United States. He will be meeting with acclaimed CEO Glen Warner, owner of BevVo, the largest privatized water manufacturer in the world. "Glen has many ideas for distributing Slusho! through pre-established public waterways," said Yoshida, "I wanted to come here myself to discover them."

Yoshida will spend four days in New York before continuing across the United States on a tour of potential Slusho! manufacturing plants."

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